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Emotional Burnout? How To Get Your Groove Back With This Herbal Tea

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How to get your groove back with Emotional Burnout Herbal Tea

Although emotional burnout can happen any time of the year. The holidays seem to be a time where we can be stretched so thin with responsibilities and family dynamics that this is the time we absolutely need self care the most.

Don’t Wait Until January

Putting your wellness on the back burner is easy to do at the end of the year because the focus is typically outward. Focused on others around you. I love how a medicinal tea blend can be a simple addition to your daily routine and it hardly takes any time out of your day for major benefits. I do however recommend you sit down and enjoy your tea with me-time but if you just cant find the time, then the tea itself will do.

I’ve chosen only 2 herbs for the emotional burnout tea to keep it simple but the benefits of this tea are anything but simple.

Adding 1-3 cups of burnout tea per day can regulate sleep patterns (that tired and wired feeling), stop cycle thinking, nourish the adrenal glands (our stress gland) help us adapt to daily stressors, ease the feeling of the need to control and OCD. This is also the tea to drink with a friend if you are not seeing eye to eye on a situation. Passion flower has an interesting way of clearing the air and finding understanding and compassion with the issue at hand.

You can always add another herb with the flavor you prefer, say peppermint or lavender to give the tea a taste you enjoy and to create your own emotional burnout blend!

Burnout Tea

Get your groove back! Although burnout can happen any time of the year, the Christmas holidays can amp things up 10 fold. Here is a 2 ingredient Herbal tea to aid burnout to incorporate with lifestyle practices like optimal sleep,  meditation and hydration. 

Course Drinks
Servings 1 Serving


  • 1/2 tsp Passion Flower Herb
  • 1/2 tsp Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng)
  • 1.5 Cups Hot Water


  1. Mix herbs together, pour a cup of boiled hot water over herbs and steep for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy! 

Please share this with a friend or family member who can benefit and let me know if this is a tea you are going to try for yourself <3


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