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3 Herbs to Heal Adrenal Fatigue Naturally

heal adrenal fatigue naturally

Heal Adrenal Fatigue Naturally

When someone has been stressed out and burnt out for too long, the health of our endocrine system wears down. A trending word in the past few years has been “adrenal fatigue” and there are many ways to heal adrenal fatigue naturally.

Adrenal fatigue is when you have been so fatigued for so long that your adrenal glands that support the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response) are no longer functioning as they should.

Now you are in a cycle of fatigue even without the added stress on the system. The way to break this deep rooted fatigue cycle is to nourish the adrenal glands and entire endocrine system back to a state of health.

The kidneys, adrenals, and thyroid gland all work very closely together. Each of these organ systems require rest, hydration, proper nutrition, meditation, and particular herbs to help fill the gaps in the endocrine system so it can function smoothly once again.

Herbs are a very powerful ally but they are not designed to help you keep pushing further stronger, harder, for a long time. They can help adapt to stressors, but in the end lifestyle changes are an absolute must to re-establish true health!

Plenty of rest, meditation, and a little sunlight are the best tools to implement to achieve a deep state of healing, all of which are free.

While you are in a state of healing I recommend bringing in 3 specific adrenal remedies:

sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds help reduce the body’s reaction to cortisol and improve the body’s response to stress. They are extremely nourishing to the adrenal glands. sprinkle them on your salad, oatmeal, smoothies, etc. Soak sunflower seeds 2 hours before eating to release the physic acid in the seed that is tough for the body to digest and assimilate.

I know you may be thinking sunflower seeds are not a herb but they do come from the sunflower plant and are a medicinal part of the plant, so I do classify them as a healing herb!

Burdock Root is bear medicine. It helps balance oil and water in the system. To hold onto what is needed, and let go of any excess of either fluid. It builds adrenal strength and will lead you to other herbs you may need. If someone is worried, fearful, or angry, burdock root can help ground and nourish the nervous system. It is very similar to putting oil on the skin to calm and soothe but done internally. If someone has dry, skin, hair, eyes, burdock is such a great remedy because it is a lipid carrier, moistening fromthe inside, outward! The Japanese make burdock root into salad, eat it like carrots, make it into tea, add it to broths, etc and integrate it into their food rituals all the time. Organic burdock is best as it soaks up all the surrounding nutrients in the soil.

burdock root


Borage is the herb you bring in when there is deep engrained stress. Borage is extremely nourishing to the kidneys and adrenal glands. Borage is indicated for the super nervous person who is also extremely exhausted, and has run themselves ragged physically and/or emotionally. Borage can be helpful if there are heart palpitations, low spirit, a depressed state and hyperthyroid. Borage should be used in minimal amounts (less is more!)

borage for adrenal fatigue
blue and purple flowers in nature almost always have an affinity for the nervous system in humans

I highly recommend these 3 sidekicks to your adrenal healing recovery. Grab some sunflower seeds today, find burdock at your local grocery store or health food store, and if there is not a herbal shop in your area that stocks borage, you may order it online from a herbal shop as well.

If you have any further questions on creating an adrenal healing recovery plan, please contact me.

I offer online and in-person herbal and nutrition consultations now at Unity Wellbeing Center in Bali, Indonesia ✨



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