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Signs Of A Constipated Brain & Herbs That Help

herbs for constipated brain
Just like any other organ, the brain needs regular stimulation and cleansing to function optimally. When we find ourselves stuck in sympathetic overdrive—constantly stressed, overthinking, and unable to quiet the mind—it can lead to what we call a constipated brain. Yes, you heard that right: a constipated brain.

What Are the Signs of a Constipated Brain?

Signs of a constipated brain can manifest as a restless mind, chronic overthinking, persistent fear, headaches, and even physical signs like a red tip on the tongue. In herbalism, these symptoms are often referred to as “High Blood,” indicating excess energy stuck in the head and upper body. Herbs like hawthorn berry, pau d’arco, cleavers, and more can work wonders here, helping to cool the brain, clear mental congestion, clear the lymphatics in the brain and turn off the sympathetic excess that keeps the mind tangled.

These herbs help drain the lymphatics of the brain and redirect the body’s energy from the mind to the heart, allowing for clearer thinking and emotional balance. Imagine hawthorn berry gently guiding your thoughts away from a tangled mess and towards a more grounded, heart-centered place—exactly the kind of relief a constipated brain craves.

Lifestyle Practices to Relieve a Constipated Brain

Addressing signs of a constipated brain isn’t just about herbs; lifestyle practices are crucial, too. Grounding activities like meditation, yoga, or even taking “mini vacations” throughout your day can be incredibly effective. These moments of mindful rest and relaxation help soothe the nervous system, bringing your energy back down from the head and into the body where it belongs.

Low Blood: The Other Side of the Coin

On the flip side, some symptoms that might feel like a constipated brain are actually due to “Low Blood”—when the brain isn’t receiving enough blood and oxygen. Signs include brain fog, memory loss, poor circulation, and swollen joints. While it might seem similar, this is more about a deficiency rather than an overload. Thankfully, herbs like rosemary (the herb of remembrance), gotu kola, cayenne pepper, and wood betony can help increase blood flow to the brain, restoring vitality and clarity.

Finding the right herb depends on your body’s constitution, specific symptoms, pulse, and tongue assessments. The goal is always to balance the blood—whether it’s high, low, or somewhere in between—so that the brain can operate without the fog or chatter of a constipated mind.

Beyond the Brain: Addressing Underlying Issues

For other symptoms like tinnitus, vertigo, and dizziness, it’s important to look beyond just the brain and consider the kidneys, adrenal glands, and the entire HPA axis. In these cases, herbal support aims to bring the endocrine system back into balance, addressing root causes rather than just masking symptoms.

Ultimately, signs of a constipated brain are your body’s way of saying it needs a reset. By recognizing these signs and addressing them with herbs, grounding practices, and holistic lifestyle changes, you can keep your brain flowing freely—no more mental congestion, just clear, balanced, and vibrant thought. So if you notice the signs of a constipated brain creeping in, take it as your cue to pause, breathe, and maybe reach for a grounding cup of Reishi Tea.

Discover the root cause of your concerns by booking a personalized 1-on-1 herbal consultation via Zoom. I also offer in-person sessions in Dubai, featuring a comprehensive approach that includes:

Holistic nutrition analysis, Pulse testing for the liver, heart, and kidneys, detailed tongue assessment, herbal remedy testing, customized herbal protocols, indirect mugwort moxibustion therapy

Let’s work together to restore your balance and well-being!






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